Saturday, November 22, 2014

Radio Syndication and Digital Media - 2015 Road Map

Radio Syndication and Digital Media 
The 2015 Road Map

There certainly have been a lot of changes in the radio syndication industry over the past twelve months. A few major programming distributors have changed hands, new ones have emerged, and some have left the industry all together. It is time to unfold the road map for independent syndication, take a look at the lay of the land for next year, and determine where the smooth pavement may lie versus potential rocky roads.

Network Radio and Corporate O&O's. Radio networks owned by the major broadcasting companies are more integrated within local programming decisions than ever before. These networks have become the in-house production arms for their companies and are charged with the task of producing content that can be leveraged across multiple markets. The initiative reduces local talent costs and creates a nationwide network that can be sold to advertisers. As the advertising revenue generated by these company owned programs can be very lucrative, many stations have lost the autonomy to choose syndicated programming outside of the corporate menu. The preference to "eat your own cooking" is a solid one for these companies, but the initiative does not leave a lot of seats at the table for outsiders.  A rocky road for independently syndicated programs.

Audio On-demand. We will combine Internet radio and digitally delivered app radio in this category. The medium will continue to grow in size, both in terms of audience and available programming. Stand alone host websites, Internet radio, and smart phone apps are inexpensive delivery platforms for programs looking to expand their national reach. Savvy program producers will take the necessary steps to ensure their shows stand out in the crowd and do not get lost in the plethora of brands racing to be in this space. Smooth pavement with a caution sign for independently syndicated programs.

Podcasting. The medium is coming of age and will continue to do so in 2015. No longer just a bedroom personal computer production, many of today's podcast's boast some of the biggest names in our industry. These programs will become trail blazers for the industry and create a path for others to follow. The past year has seen the emergence of well funded podcast curators and a number of terrestrial radio hosts have left their transmitter signals in favor of podcasting. We have also seen migration traveling the other way with terrestrial radio picking up well performing podcasts for their on-air line-up. With the adoption of podcasting well under way among users of digital smart devices and greater availability coming from the connected in-car dash, the opportunities for digitally delivered programming will continue to grow. Smooth pavement for independently syndicated programs.

Small Group and Independent Radio Owners. Without an in-house corporately provided syndication arm, these stations will continue to have a need for cost effective quality programming. Employing a smaller staff than most, they often rely on third party producers for content the station does not have the expertise, knowledge, or ability to create. Syndicated radio programming is a viable option for these stations. The good news for syndicated hosts is that many of these radio stations are willing to take chances on newer less developed programs and can make decisions autonomously without having to get their fingers dirty with red tape. Smooth pavement for independently syndicated programs.

The road you embark upon will depend on the overall appeal of your program's content. Syndicated shows catering to a niche audience may select one over another while mass appeal programs could venture down more than one. One thing is sure, the industry's syndication road map for 2015 will be very different than the one last one you dusted off from the glove box. Choose the appropriate path for your show and enjoy the ride!  

RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing
November 22, 2014

About RadioLinx. RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing was founded in 1997 and specializes in independent radio syndication representation. With more than 25 years of industry experience on the broadcast and syndication sides of the industry, RadioLinx has successfully helped newly launched programs and veteran shows alike to establish and grow their station affiliate rosters. Over the years, RadioLinx has helped new start-up programs gain early acceptance in markets such as Seattle, Monterey, Portland, Tulsa, Albuquerque, and others. Conversely, RadioLinx has placed mature programming brands with key radio stations in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco, and more. In early 2014, RadioLinx introduced Iglu Radio, an audio on-demand app created for local terrestrial radio show hosts, podcasters, and Internet radio programs. Iglu Radio features a wide variety of audio content covering the environment, self-help, entertainment, business, arts, and more. To date, RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing has secured hundreds of station affiliates for its syndication clients in all regions of the United States. The Iglu Radio app has been downloaded in more than 25 nations and continues to grow in size and distribution.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Top Radio Syndication Mistakes To Avoid

Top Syndication Mistakes To Avoid

And Now There Are 11

RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing has successfully helped dozens of independently syndicated radio hosts to grow their affiliate rosters in all formats and market sizes. Through the years, we have observed several best practices employed by most, and a few that we prefer to steer clients away from.  In our next blog we will post best practices.  In the meantime, here are a few mistakes to avoid.  Our list originally started out with ten and, as the industry has evolved, have felt the need to add an eleventh.

#1- A high volume of listener phone calls does not mean your radio program is ready for national distribution. All too often RadioLinx receives inquiries from prospective show hosts seeking to syndicate a young radio show fueled by the notion that "we're getting a lot of calls". While the listener interest can feed the ego, it doesn't necessarily translate into affiliate interest. Programs seeking national distribution compete in an environment where shows are evaluated based upon their ratings track record, content, quality of performance, and host notoriety. Don't let a jammed three-line phone rotary or the praise of your friends lead you to the false conclusion that your show is equipped to compete in that national environment. Instead, consider growing your show first through regional syndication while offering a flanker competitive strategy that can make your program more appealing than that of an established veteran.   

#2- Independent syndication is a journey; make sure you have enough gas in the engine to arrive at your destination. Independent syndication typically yields between eight and ten stations per year and it takes approximately four months before a program secures its first station. We've had some clients do much better than that, others not as well. Before you embark on a path towards syndication, make sure you have sufficient funds to reach your goals. Nothing is more disappointing than a program that is maturing according to plan only to run out of operating dollars prior to reaching a point where the show can begin to monetize its commercial inventory.    

#3- Don’t ignore the importance of a strong demo. Start the introduction process to prospective radio stations with a good quality demo. Your demo should contain a short sample of each of the key attributes, benchmarks, and programming benefits your show offers. Done correctly, your demo should act similarly to a movie trailer compelling the prospective PD to want to listen further to an entire program. This first audio introduction is always done best with a shorter demo versus a full length program. As most Program Directors typically spend no more than 90 seconds on their first listen to a prospective program, if your presentation doesn't articulate the key aspects of your program within that time frame, you may never get a second opportunity. Best practice- use a separate voice to narrate your demo.    

#4- Don’t overlook the need for well-produced sales collateral. Next to your show's audio demo, a strong marketing "one-sheet" should be an integral part of your overall marketing material. Resist the temptation to write a thesis with your piece. The one-sheet should be just that-- one page. In it, highlight the key attributes of your program such as the host, content, and the show's unique contribution to the prospective radio station. Include program details such as length, broadcast time, and delivery information. 

#5- Ignoring the power of social media. According to a recent Harris poll, 150 million Americans have a Facebook account. Industry estimates indicate that 7.5 million people use Twitter. Both social media applications and others like them can help your program communicate with listeners and prospective new radio stations. Some best practice examples include Dave Ramsey, Jim Franklin, The Horse Show, and Bill Handel. Consider marketing your program using targeted Facebook ads.    

#6- Lack of pre-launch research. Before launching a new radio show into syndication, investigate the potential market reception of your program.  Many talk subjects offered by potential syndication hosts are well covered in the national landscape. What potential opportunities are available that are not currently being filled by other programs? Some subjects are suited for traditional barter syndication while others almost always require a pay-for-play approach. If you do decide to enter a crowded field, what attributes will your show possess that offers a unique selling proposition while addressing station needs?

#7- Expecting Too Much, Too Soon.  It can be frustrating to develop a program brochure, record a demo, send emails, and make phone calls to prospective radio stations without getting an immediate response. Affiliate marketing is really about developing a relationship and, like any new relationship, it takes time to build interest. To grow that initial interest into a new affiliate, you will need to be in the marketplace with a consistent message hitting each prospect PD at least six times before they feel that they know your show and have the confidence to explain to other members of the management team why they have decided to air your program. Remember to stay the course, follow your marketing plan and talk to other hosts that have been down the same path you are on. You'll find there is no such thing as instant success. And if you are really unsure of what you are doing, find an industry mentor or hire a marketing professional.   

#8- Failure to secure a strong terrestrial flagship station. While it’s an easy transition for terrestrial programs to extend their brand to the Internet, growing your show from the web to mainstream radio is still a challenge. Even if your Internet program has a significant streaming audience, numerous Facebook fans, and Twitter followers, terrestrial radio Program Directors still may not take notice. These programmers will want to see a proven record of success with Arbitron ratings and evidence of local advertiser appeal. The best way to establish your web based program as a prominent competitor is to secure a terrestrial radio flagship.  From this on-air home, you'll be better equipped to polish your program for acceptance in these areas.    

#9- Believing your show will sell itself.  Many show hosts and product managers make the mistake of thinking their product is so great and unique that they don't need to market. Think of all the products and services you use today. Did any of them just find their way to your door simply because they were perfect for you? The reality is that radio stations need to be told why they should program your radio show, use your service, or buy your product. They need to believe that their radio station will uniquely benefit from the use of your product. And once they signed on the dotted line, you will want to provide them with the appropriate customer service and affiliate relations to ensure they will continue as an affiliate or customer. All of these things require sales and marketing. No matter how great your show or product, don't forget you still need to market to get it sold.     

#10- Do not forget to sign your affiliates to a contract and ask for affidavits.  An affiliate agreement outlines the responsibilities of both the radio station and the program provider.  That contract also obligates a radio station to air your program, to do so within a specific time frame, and to provide adequate notice if the station decides to cancel.  Without this agreement, it becomes very difficult to manage your affiliate roster and stations are free to cancel without notice. An affiliate line-up backed by contractual agreements provides for a solid roster that can be sold to advertisers with the confidence that your program will deliver a specific audience.  Secondly, be sure to collect program affidavits from your affiliates.  These become legal documents that certify the affiliate has aired your program as promised and that the commercial advertising contained within was cleared.  Even if your advertisers do not request such verification, it is a good idea to get your affiliates in the habit of returning these affidavits.  The documentation will let you know that your show aired properly and will be readily available for those advertisers that may require them.  

#11- Failure to embrace a multi-platform approach. Over 160 million Americans listen to online radio every month. More than 127 million Americans each month are tuning to a radio program via their digital smart devices. Today’s successful radio host embraces each of the various audio platforms. Stream your live terrestrial radio show over your website. Provide an on-demand podcast version for download. Place your show on an app where audiences can listen at their convenience on phones and tablets. Radio listeners have more choices than ever before to selectively decide when and where they choose to listen to radio. Establish your presence on each of the platforms. You will be in step with how audiences use the medium today and be on your way for adaptation in the next phase of digital media adoption—the connected car.

RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing
November 8, 2014

About RadioLinx. RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing was founded in 1997 and specializes in independent radio syndication representation. With more than 25 years of industry experience on the broadcast and syndication sides of the industry, RadioLinx has successfully helped newly launched programs and veteran shows alike to establish and grow their station affiliate rosters. Over the years, RadioLinx has helped new start-up programs gain early acceptance in markets such as Seattle, Monterey, Portland, Tulsa, Albuquerque, and others. Conversely, RadioLinx has placed mature programming brands with key radio stations in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco, and more. In early 2014, RadioLinx introduced Iglu Radio, an audio on-demand app created for local terrestrial radio show hosts, podcasters, and Internet radio programs. Iglu Radio features a wide variety of audio content covering the environment, self-help, entertainment, business, arts, and more. To date, RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing has secured hundreds of station affiliates for its syndication clients in all regions of the United States. The Iglu Radio app has been downloaded in more than 25 nations and continues to grow in size and distribution.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Digital Media – Radio’s Friend Or Foe?

Digital Media – Radio’s Friend Or Foe?

A new study from eMarketer continues to paint a rosy picture for mobile advertising. Interestingly, the biggest shift of ad dollars towards digital media is coming from print and television, not radio. A quick look at the latest Nielsen audio ratings also shows that listenership to radio is as strong as ever. While digital media is the latest new kid on the block prompting industry detractors to claim “radio is dead”, we believe the medium is much more of a friend than foe. In fact, radio has a better opportunity than most to develop a synergistic relationship with digital media.

Let’s take a look at the potential flow of activities a typical individual might undertake throughout the day and see how cross media promotion could motivate an audience to stay with a particular media brand weaving between traditional broadcast and digital media.

Radio is the only media brand with the technical capability to physically connect the dots between each of these daily activities. Audio travels with your audience and can easily be accessed via traditional radio, smart devices, and personal computers.  Within that space there is also the opportunity to promote and enhance audience interaction through on-air promotion, digital messaging, and web page interaction. Find a way to move your audience through each of these cycles while actively engaging them along the way and you will increase the value of your media brand. Innovatively incorporate sponsor messages and you will improve advertiser revenues as well.

RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing
November 1, 2014

About RadioLinx. RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing was founded in 1997 and specializes in independent radio syndication representation. With more than 25 years of industry experience on the broadcast and syndication sides of the industry, RadioLinx has successfully helped newly launched programs and veteran shows alike to establish and grow their station affiliate rosters. Over the years, RadioLinx has helped new start-up programs gain early acceptance in markets such as Seattle, Monterey, Portland, Tulsa, Albuquerque, and others. Conversely, RadioLinx has placed mature programming brands with key radio stations in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco, and more. In early 2014, RadioLinx introduced Iglu Radio, an audio on-demand app created for local terrestrial radio show hosts, podcasters, and Internet radio programs. Iglu Radio features a wide variety of audio content covering the environment, self-help, entertainment, business, arts, and more. To date, RadioLinx Broadcast Marketing has secured hundreds of station affiliates for its syndication clients in all regions of the United States. The Iglu Radio app has been downloaded in more than 25 nations and continues to grow in size and distribution.