Five Tips on How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Podcast
Iglu Radio White Paper #4
OK, you have a podcast. How do you tell the world about it? As we have written in previous White Papers, most podcast listening is "intentional" versus "accidental". Unlike a standard radio dial where listeners may scan for alternatives when they hear something they don't like, podcast listeners make a thoughtful action based decision when deciding which podcast to listen to.
Social media sites offer an excellent vehicle to tell potential new listeners about your podcast. A presence on the more popular ones can enhance the visibility of your podcast, stimulate curiosity for your program, and attract new listeners.
According to, the most popular social media sites are as follows. We have added a few best practice thought starters on how to use each.
1- Facebook. Use Facebook to promote your latest podcast episode and encourage listener conversation. Provide relevant posts that visitors will want to Like and Share. Post pictures from the show and guests. Provide links where visitors can hear your program or download your podcast's app. Use hashtags when discussing content that may be of interest to others. The hashtag feature works within Facebook just like those on Twitter.
2- Twitter. Regular tweeting is a sign of an active, healthy media profile. If you only tweet once a week, or once a month, it is easy for people to forget about your podcast. Generate a daily Tweet showcasing interesting and different aspects of your program. Be sure to use a hashtag to highlight specific content to attract the attention of listeners with similar interests. Look at trending topics and hashtags and find a way to make a relevant connection to your podcast. Re-Tweet items of interest and, when appropriate, respond to others who interact with your Tweet.
3- LinkedIn. Connect with fans of your program by inviting them to connect with you on LinkedIn. As with Facebook and Twitter, send regular updates about your podcast. Keep it informational versus promotional. Join LinkedIn Groups compatible with the subject matter of your podcast and participate in online conversations. Start a group of your own. Create longer form Posts that stimulate deeper online conversation covering topics appearing in your podcast.
4- Pinterest. Pinterest is a social network built around engaging visual content. Users share visual images from the web, by “pinning” them on to a series of virtual PinBoards. Research what potential listeners of your podcast are pinning. Search under Keywords and Categories on the Pinterest Dashboard. Create boards with your podcast listener in mind. Set up your initial “Boards”. Choose topics or categories that mirror the subject matter of your podcast. Be creative with your Board Names but also keep “search” in mind. Pinterest Board names are searchable, so include key words. Pin across a range of Boards. Add pins gradually, and start new boards as you feel necessary. Start following users and/or individual boards that are of interest to you. By following and engaging with users repinning their content, you will begin to build your own tribe of followers.
5- Google Plus. As with all of the socia media sites, your profile and posts should be interesting and relevant to your audience. Sign up for Google Authorship and publish content of interest to your current and potential podcast listeners. Be sure any content you publish on your blog or website is linked to your Google+ profile. Add a Google+ badge to your content that will enable other users to share your blog or website content. Use Google Circles to organize your contacts
It is important that each of your social media sites have the same look and feel as your other online tools. This helps people identify your podcast and builds interest. Cross promote yourself on each of your social media sites. Give a call-to-action to your Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn followers to follow you on Pinterest, and vice versa.
Consider using a host specific custom app to house your podcast. A custom app can enhance the visibility of your podcast and serve as a strong destination point for your social media followers.
Many podcasters have shied away from developing a custom app simply because they did not believe they could afford one. Most cost thousands of dollars to create and the inexpensive ones are do-it-yourself templates that just don't have the polish required to help your brand shine in the digital marketplace. To help podcasters forge ahead with this aspect of their new media digital strategy, Iglu Radio offers a low-cost $99 solution designed to professionally put your podcast in this space. In addition to housing your podcast, the app seamlessly integrates with your social media sites. To learn more, please visit
Have questions on what is the right strategy to boost your podcast's visibility? Contact us at or 480-993-3150 for answers in a non-selling environment.
Iglu Radio Podcaster app
A service of RadioLinx
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